Last night Steve took me on a date. He gets the great opportunity of being taken out to great new places for lunch at his job and he thought I would like this one. It is called
Edohana Hibachi & Sushi
1501 W State Highway 114Grapevine, TX 76051
Phone: (817) 251-2004

It is not as nice as this picture below but it was awesome! I have never had a dining experience like it. The chef comes out and makes your food to order right there. And by the way it is yummy! I will give you a few tips don't fill up on the first course (soup, salad) they are nothing special. Don't worry you get a ton of food! I was stuffed by the end. Also when you get your menu, ask the waiter to explain if you don't know what something is, they are happy to explain it to you. I got the Sukiyaki which is just terriaki steak. It was good! Also you will get entertainment and dinner. If you have never been it is a "MUST GO!"
After dinner we went to Stake Conference "adult session" it was amazing. I loved the talks and cried many times. Steve and I had a great talk on the way home about things we want to change in our little family. Over all we want to be better so the Spirit can dwell in our home. The stake president talked a lot about being a dad and mistakes he has made, things we can do to be a better parent. Love & understanding helps us to have more compassion. President Vigil gave a great talk. He talked about the Saviors qualities and attributes and challenged us to look in the scriptures to find more characteristics that the Savior has and try to bring those into our life. He said his favorite scripture was Alma 26:11-12 Where Ammon says: I do not boast in my own strenghth heart is brim with joy, & I will rejoice in my God. Yeah, I know that I am nothing; as to my own strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.

Another thing in the talks that stood out to me is I want to go to the Temple more often. Also that pride is to seek the praise of man. Humility is to seek the praise of God. I need to work on this. Also I am going to work on other things but those are more private. Over all I had been in a bad mood that morning and going to conference and on a date with my sweet husband made me so happy. I am so grateful for my eternal companion and the gospel in my life.
that was a sweet post I so enjoyed it and conference too I posted about it also
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