Dignified and hard working. With a gentle and soft-spoken manner you have something many people don't. Patience. Even through the moments of heartbreak you're still able to hold onto all of your hopes and dreams. Bide your time; your dream will come true.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
I took this quiz and turned out to be Aurora! Too funny!! Did you know I had a big thing about Sleeping Beauty for years?
no that is funny!
I'm Pocahontas. Those questions are so funny!
That quiz was fun - thanks for posting about it! BTW I'm Snow White!
I am Jasmine. I think that sounds right!
I turned out to be a whole bunch, a lot of them had the same percentage... maybe I have split personality disorder...or maybe I'm just all the princesses rolled into one super princess...just kidding.. I totally agree about the description for you very hard working and patient, but what would you do about all your friends that are mice?
I am Ariel!... Dont know why!!!lol!
your song playlist cracks me up!!!!lol!!! You have leaona lewis on the same list as bone thugs.... (if i didnt know the stoy behind crossroads... well lets just say i would wonder!!!)
Wow is that Kelly my sister actually commenting on my blog! Awesome!
Holly, you crack me up. For those of you that don't know my greatest fear is mice/rats..... I did not even think of how wrong that is that I am Cinderella & have mice & friends. That thing is wrong!
I was Ariel
I was Pocahontas...go figure.
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