100 things about me

I actually sat down & did this. It was very refreshing to dig deep into my soul to come up with my 100 things about me. I hope you will take a little time to get to know me better.

1. I crave alone time.
2. My favorite color is purple.
3. I know & love sign language.
4. I could spend all day reading.
5. I want to go to New Zealand & Australia.
6. I am a very impatient person.
7. I love bags & purses.
8. I love stationary and writing utensils but rarely use them.
9. I want to be a crafty person but am never very good.
10. My husband & I are complete opposites.
11. I love Drumstix vanilla cones.
12. My pet pevee is when people get road rage.
13. I will never get my kids a pet.
14. I love being outside only when the weather is perfectly perfect.
15. I prefer watching movies in the theater.
16. I love to plan things way far in advance.
17. I like making lists.
18. I am tired of thinking of new things to cook.
19. I make spur of the moment decisions. "Ok lets go to the store, now."
20. Sometimes I will just get in the van and go, not knowing where we are headed.
21. I love to spend time around family.
22. I hate calling people, I am always worried they are too busy to talk. So I rarely call anyone.
23. I love Blogs.
24. I hate math & was never any good at it.
25. I miss old friends & think often of people who have had an impact on my life.
26. I hope I have made an impact upon people too.
27. I love it when my kids are napping.
28. I love when my husband buys me flowers, which is about once every 1 or 2 months.
29. I love to give gifts to people.
30. I love that my husband can do wood working and is currently building our kitchen table.
31. I want to take an everyday sewing class while the kids are being bsat. Too bad that is not an option.
32. I want to learn how to play the piano.
33. I want to teach another sign language class.
34. I want to learn to speak Spanish.
35. I want my next car to be a Honda Pilot. With all the extras.
36. I am ready for my next kid, but not.
37. I need a makeover.
38. I would love to have a personal chef.
39. We just got memberships to the local REC CENTER GYM . Wonder how many times we will go?
40. I have a hard time retaining facts.
41. I love LOST and can't wait for the season to start again.
42. I want thing to happen now, like Steve building my new desk.
43. I love to organize stuff.
44. I would sleep till 8am every morning if I could & go to bed at 11pm.
45. I like oatmeal the way my dad makes it (lots of sugar, butter & sausage)
46. I love to play volleyball.
47. I love our house but hate that you actually have to clean it everyday. Can't it just stay clean a little longer.
48. I hate white milk & love chocolate milk.
49. My favorite ice cream is Blue Bell Fudge Nut Brownie then Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
50. My favorite candy bar is the blue Symphony bar. (almonds & toffee chips) Skor is a close second.
51. I would like to learn how to arrange flowers.
52. I have never been to Disneyland or World & want to go.
53. Mexican food is my favorite.
54. I have to stop comparing myself to others.
55. I love to get letter or packages in the mail.
56. I want to do things my way. I usually think my way is the better way. I know it is something I am trying to overcome.
57. I love that I can tell my mom anything.
58. I am glad I am close with my brothers & sister.
59. I want people to visit me at my house. I am tired of going to theirs.
60. I can eat rice with chopsticks.
61. I love it when my husband tells me to leave & he will watch the kids.
62. I love a freshly mowed lawn.
63. I would love to put flowers in our flowerbeds but I don't want to do it.
64. I don't like getting my hands dirty.
65. I am so sick of people telling me my daughter is quite a unique challenge. yeah I know!!!!
66. My least favorite stage of my children is the toddler stage.
67. I want to go back to school and get my degree.
68. When my children are all older I want to teach.
69. I try to be sympathetic with people.
70. I worry.
71. I have a hard time using my imagination & coming up with new ideas.
72. I drink water all the time.
73. I went for a year on my mission with out eating chocolate because a lady had to give up coffee and could not do it on her own.
74. I went to California on my mission & my favorite area was Napa Valley (yep, wine country)
75. I love rolling hills.
76. I love to look out my window & see snow.
77. I am scared to death of my calling as Gospel Doctrine teacher.
78. I wish I had a quieter voice.
79. I wish I had a BFF.
80. I am glad I made good choices growing up so my kids can't air out my dirty laundry.
81. I need to be less selfish.
82. I wish there was more time in the day.
83. I want a personal nanny. It would be great not to feel bad to ask someone to babysit.
84. I want to take my husband to a Billy Cosby concert (he loves him) but it is soooo expensive.
85. I like to get things done.
86. I love my Palm Treo phone. I will never switch back to a regular phone.
87. I wonder what people think of me?
88. I wish Elvis had not come to our wedding reception.
89. Steve said maybe next year I can take a weekend trip by myself. Where should I go?
90. I love tradition.
91. But love change.
92. I love moving but miss things before.
93. Sometimes I wish I was 17 again.
94. I wish friends could go back like old times.
95. I wish I could travel in time.
96. Sometimes I wish I was invisible.
97. I love a newborn baby's innocence.
98. I want to lay on a beach.
99. I hope I can return to live with God and have him be happy at the life I have lived.
100. I am happy to be me.


Anonymous 3:12 PM  

I can't remember everything I was going to comment! 100 is too many to remember!

I can't believe your gym membership is so cheap! I am so jealous! I don't think we can have more kids until I can get a gym membership :)

Good to know you like people to visit you...I almost bummed off you the other day, but hesitated.

Just plant the flowerbed! It isn't that bad!!!

Kathy 6:47 PM  

what do you mean you almost came to visit?

Allyson 2:13 PM  


We have a lot in common. Like same fav. candy bar.

The Elvis thing made me laugh. I had forgot all about that.

Stacy Hutchinson 2:16 PM  

I would LOVE to have a Honda Pilot too. It seats 8 and isn't a HUGE SUV or a minivan (no offense, I just don't want a minivan). I leave the house without a clue where we'll go quite often. You're not alone!

Holly 9:25 PM  

I love your list. There were a few things on there that i would steal if I had a list :)I have loved the Pilot for a long time too, but with baby number two coming, we gave in to the minivan. I never thought that I would drive a minivan, but I have to admit that I love it!

The Acosta Family 4:49 PM  

What Elvis thing are ya'll talking about?

Kathy 2:25 PM  

My reception in Dallas, when an Elvis impersonator came and sang.