Well today is Monday morning at 6:30am. I am looking forward to a few things happening in the next couple of months. Dinner groups start back up. Last year we participated in our Ward dinner groups. One sat. evening a month we had dinner & games at one family's home & then one Saturday we hosted. It was lots of fun!
Girls Night with my mom & sister, Grandma Tolman (& maybe 2 sister in laws if we can get them). The last Saturday in September Steve is taking Spencer on the Father Son camping trip. So Emma & I are going to Spend friday & sat with my mom. Then on Sat. we have a baby shower for my sister in law's sister Sondra. She is having a girl!
The RS General Broadcast: I love going & hearing what our leaders have prepared & what the Lord wants the women in Zion to know. I just can't wait. Also General Conference.
In December we are traveling to PA for my brother in law's wedding. We are excited to see Steve's family. The last time we got together was 2 years ago at christmas time. So it should be fun!
Just a few things I am looking forward to. What are you looking forward to for the last few months of 2008.
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Stickers
4 weeks ago
I didn't know there were dinner groups again. Sounds like a lot of fun.
I'm looking forward to planting a fall garden!
i look forward to the r.s. broadcast like a kid for christmas.
i look forward to fat baby coming (maybe even a few days early)
i look forward to snow...weird, i know!
and finally...i look forward to this totally amazing christmas i have planned for our family to take some of the sting of not being "home" for the holidays away.
The dinner groups sound very cool. I'd love to know more about that. Now is that a church sponsered thing? or is it friends just getting together?
The activities person in our ward heads it up. It is one sat every month (during the school months)We ended up having about 3 or 4 other couples coming to dinner & at dinner when we go to other's houses. It is great. You really get to know others in your ward.
The activities director heads it up eh?...poor soul. I'm looking forward to my baby sleeping through the night!
I am excited for Conference, too! Also, I love Fall things like BYU football games, corn mazes, and hiking in the mountains when the leaves are changing!
I am looking forward to Aaron sleeping thru the night. Also looking forward to going to Boise to visit family at Christmas. And the Presidential election - I love to see the journalists get in a tizzy! Hey Kathy - Gianna's phone # is 1-228-255-3475. She lives in Diamondhead, MS. She stopped by my place for a little detour on the way to San Antonio to see her husbands graduation.
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