Well day three went a little better than day 2. But pretty much the same. Spencer had a nap from 11am -2pm, Emma fell asleep at 5pm woke around 7pm. Then they both went to bed about 10pm. (not by my choice). Then they slept in their own beds (which are now both in Spencer's room) until 4:00am. Then we were all up for the day. Spencer napped at9am and Emma has not taken a nap yet. So hopefully soon we will get back on the 8pm bedtime and 6 am wake time schedule. That is what I would prefer. But I will have to say it was nice to get a good nights rest, also Steve let me go back to sleep at about 7am when he woke up.
So I think it is working and I am ready to face it again tonight because I know I can do it and I know it can only get better from here on out!
Day 3 of sleeping in YOUR own bed
DAY 2 - Sleeping in YOUR own bed
I just know all of you are hanging on the edge of you rseat wondering how my night went. Well I thought I was gonna loose it and give in ...................BUT............I got to sleep from 11pm to 4am. YEAH!!!!!!!!
Spencer went to bed at 6:30pm (he was really tired from the night before) and Emma went to bed at 7pm. So we also got about 2 1/2 hours of free time (me time). YEAH Again!
Emma woke up and was a problem. With all her crying she woke up Spencer. And I just about lost it. Then I told them if they would stay in bed then I would let them pick out a treat @ the store the next day. So they did. And Spencer is the one that woke a little after 4am. Then of course he woke up Emma. So we began our day at 4:30am (once I realized neither of them were going back to sleep.
Spencer is taking a nap (11am).
We went to the store this morning and let them pick out their prize. Emma chose a heart shape filled with candy & stickers. Spencer chose a stuffed valentine puppy dog.
Oh also I have started a chore chart with Emma and she really loves it. She is old enough to understand it. There is a spot on there that says "make your bed" but I told her that says "sleep in your own bed". So she got a sticker for that. YEAH!
Now that last night was better I have the courage and patience to do it again tonight. I say it that way cause I am taking this thing "one day at a time"!
Wish me luck!
Ok here it is... all out on the table...just don't judge me
Well last night it clicked....I had had enough.......enough of what you say. For the past few weeks I put the kids to sleep in their own beds. Easy enough, right. Then we go to bed a little while later......what is the big deal you say......well..... Spencer is a very light sleeper like myself and wakes up sometime before midnight. So I go in and lay by him (a sure fire fast way to put him back to sleep) because I am tired and want to get back into my cozy bed. So after a while when I think he is sound asleep I quietly get up and go back to my room, only problem is Spencer has a SUPER RADAR in his brain and he can sense when I am getting up & wakes up. So I just end up sleeping in his bed all night or till like 3 or 4 am. So during all this Emma wakes up & goes in and sleeps in bed with Steve.
Well as I said last night I was getting ready for bed and I was tired, like most nights when I am about to go to sleep, & I announced "Steve, tonight is the NIGHT. I am sick and tired of not getting to sleep with you in my cozy bed. I am going to get my IPOD and book ready by my night stand so that if and when the kids come banging at the door wanting to sleep with us then I can bare it. "
You see this is the reason why it is hard for me. I am sure when I say this a lot of people I know are gonna freak out, but I actually like having the kids sleep in our bed, or don't mind it. It is just that our bed is only a queen size and there is NO room. I am sure I would have done fine as a pioneer mother and liked the FAMILY BED. Anyways it is annoying too some degree so don't get me wrong. Anyways, it is also cause when Emma cries she adds all these really sad things in that make me feel bad & want to cry. For Example: I am scared in my room, I am all alone, I just want you to hold me mommy, I promise I will be good, etc, etc.
So I am proud to say, last night we did it. It was horrible and but we did it. The kids decided if we would not let then come in to sleep that they would play & at first I was ok with that. Then Emma started asking for snacks and I said No yall need to be asleep. So I pulled Emma's mattress into Spencer's room and I read a book on the rocking chair and waited for them to fall asleep. Emma went pretty fast put Spencer took 1 & 1/2 hours to fall asleep. SIGH...
Then at 4am I went into MY BED. Steve left for Semiary by 6am & left the door unlocked so Emma & Spencer both came in my room about 6:30am. Emma went back to sleep until 9am and Spencer was up for the day ( so I had to get up).
I guess we will try again tonight. Wish me luck!
Happy 7 years!
Isn't that sad today is our 7 year anniversary and I had a really hard time finding a picture of just Steve and myself. Well never the less I know I have been a blogging slacker lately. Thing have been really busy and we have traveled a lot lately. But today Steve & I celebrated being married for 7 years! In some ways it seems like just yesterday that we were married and in some ways it seems like we have been married forever. But I want him to know how much I love and admire him. He is so hardworking and such a good man. I am grateful that he takes care of us and also that he plays with us too. Steve I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
Love your wife, Kathy
Sing-Along Blog
For those that haven't seen this yet, you should at least watch through "Act One"... (btw Kathy has...)
Uncle Ronald Video
As promised here is the video of Uncle Ronald. He is my grandpa's brother, for those that have no idea what I am talking about.
Pictures from Ali & JL wedding...finally
Ali's wedding & Utah trip
Katie & Trent & Steve & Kathy
Grandma & Grandpa Lund
Shalay & Kathy
Manti Temple (more wedding pictures to come)
Steve enjoyed taking pictures of the beautiful Utah countryside!
Uncle Buck & Aunt June
Aunt June made us a yummy breakfast of German Pancakes & Bacon! Yum! We enjoyed our visit with them. My grandpa's brother Uncle Ronald
Yes I know I was just there a month ago but this was Steve's baby sister getting married come on guys do you honestly think we would miss it?
Labels: vacation
Scraping with the girls!
How we spent our Christmas break
Well this is a long time coming but I wanted to document our Christmas of 2008. We celebrated a little early because on the actual day of Christmas we were in PA.
Here is Emma on the plane to PA on Dec 24, 2008. Both the kids did great on the plane ride. Better than expected.
Spencer slept most of the way.Steve enjoyed that!
Then we spent Christmas morning with family. Opening more presents.
So cute to see cosuins loving each other.
Ross eating candy and the wrapper.
Spencer wearing Uncle Rich's hat.
Dad took Emma sledding.
Dad & Emma walking back up the hill (their backyard) to go again & again & again!
Then we begun our drive down to DC for the wedding. We got to see all this beautiful Pennsalvania country as we drove.
It is so gorgous!
If you can see the sign it says "Baltimore"!
So peaceful!
You can see this from the HIGHWAY! It is the DC temple.
Got to visit my cousin Kristy
After the Temple sealing we drove back to PA. Then more snow & sledding!
This time the cousins joined in! Spencer and Clayton.
Steve with Spencer & Clayton
Steve is such a trooper! Emma & Spencer are so blessed to have such a wonderful dad!
I hung out in the hottub with Ali & JL.
Then we drove up to Scranton, PA (Office fans know where I am talking about!) for the reception. It was about an hour & 10 min drive.
More sleeping on the way. In about 10 yrs Emma is going to kill me for this picture!
At the reception we had so much fun dancing and eating yummy food. We Partied Hard! Jessica holding her son Ross.
I think Tina looked so pretty. She handled the stress well.
The happy couple.
Steve was the photographer "as always"
The next few days the snow began to melt
& we headed out to have a little family bonding time.
So we drove down to Hershey, PA. And went to the Hershey Chocolate factory.
Here we are as a family on the fun & "free" ride that we rode like 3 times. It tells how they make all the yummy chocolate!
The kids got to be a part of the fun factory experience. The loved it!
When we got back from our mini trip, Grandpa took Emma for a ride on the Vespa. She loved it & looked so funny with that big thing on her small head!
Then, you have to have the BATHTUB picture!
And last but not least, Our trip home.
We had a blast & are glad we did not get sick while we were there (like we did 2 yrs ago-when we went) but we were so ready to get home!
The day after we got home I did not really have a chance to rest much. I had a Primary Presidency mtg and then a day with my sister Kelly & sister in law Lavonda, scrapbooking all day! (sorry - no picture). It was so fun, but I was so beat!
Then the next day went to the stake's child of record baptism. Then sunday we were so greatful that our church started at 1:30pm, but Emma threw up the night before and so Steve stayed at home with her. I spend all of Monday doing absolutly nothing. I sure needed that day to be a bum. Glad we are back to normalcy!