I absolutley love this little girl. I love every moment with her. She is so full of life and love for others. Every night I put her to bed and we usually spend lots of time talking about her day and reading together and praying and singing. This is my favorite time of day, she said the other night, I am going to fast for my Aunt Kelly ( my sister). I don't want her to be sad. If you don't know my sister is going through custody/ court with her ex-husband. On sunday she fasted for Kelly, it was her first time to fast. I walked in on her kneeling in the living room beside the recliner and I said "Emma get up and get dressed for church." I did not realize she was praying until she whispered "mom your interrupting my prayer- I am fasting for Aunt Kelly." I was so touched that she wanted to do this "hard thing" for her Aunt whom she loves so much.
Yesterday I was in the kitchen doing the dishes and I asked if she would help me dry the pots & pans. She said Yes and then when she was done she started sweeping the kitchen floor with out me asking her. I told her thank you for helping mommy. I love you.
I often tell her I love you, because she just warms my heart. She usually says that she loves me more than anyone in the world and she loves me all the way up in space.
I love volunteering at her school and getting to see her in the middle of the day. Spencer and I also love to go eat lunch with her. When we drop her off in the morning Spencer always tells her "I am going to miss you Emma" and today she was in a hurry and she did not hear him say this, so he started to cry because she did not answer him. Sorry kids I guess you got your tender feelings from your mama.
Valentine’s Day Cupcake Stickers
4 weeks ago
Great pictures!!! Can't believe she is getting so grown up! Sweet memories!
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