So my sweet husband stayed home with my sick son, so that I could go to the Temple & then spend time with my family in Dallas. So my day began with a wonderful trip to the Temple to do a name for my Grandmother. I ran into several people I knew from growing up in the Dallas East Stake. I also was on the same session as my friend Ruth and Julia. How fun (was not planned).
Then I got to spend the rest of the day with my mom. She took Emma & I out to lunch. Then we went back to her house and I broke out my sewing machine. I mending several things and showed my mom my machine. I am excited, she wants to get one soon. YEAH! Also my sister and sister in law both want skirts like Emma's, so I took measurements from my nieces. I told them I would just have them buy the material. So I guess I am taking orders. If you want anything you have seen on my blog you can email me at . I also inherited a quilt that needs to be quilted and the binding on it. FUN!
Also Katy found this fun site I want to pass along. I am not sure if I am going to do it but I sure want to.
The day ended with my visiting my Grandmother Tolman and getting some books to borrow from her. Also coming home to my husbands yummy dinner of steak and baked potatoes!
Parrot Coloring Pages
1 week ago